Monday, March 20, 2017

Pet over Population


Saturday March 18th the community of Tri-cities came together to support Pet Over Population Prevention's 5k run. Tons of furry friends and families gathered to run enjoying Spudnut donuts and Starbucks coffee that were kindly there to support this event. All profits from this event went to Pet Over Population Prevention(POPP) here in Tri-
cities. I had the opportunity to photograph this event. Even 
though I was in dog heaven shooting all the images below, this 5K did make me think about the true meaning of this event and what the POPP does for the community.
 Many animals are left on the streets because of people not properly not taking care of their pets. POPP's mission is "to promote responsible pet care through educating the public on the importance of spaying and neutering their cats and dogs, as well as providing spay and neuter assistance"(POPP2017) with the number of cats and dogs born being 70,000 a day, this means almost 3,000 an hour. A lot of these animals are left on the streets, in neglectful homes,and even taken to a shelter to be euthanized. If people got there pets spayed and neutered this number would go down incredibly. Only 15% of animal owners in a survey said they got there pet from an animal shelter. This means many animals are going in to the animal shelters but not
 coming out. The number of animals euthanized in the U.S is 3-
million. With the help of things like no kill shelters and POPP many animals can be saved. If more pet owners spayed and neutered their pets this would leave more room in shelters for animals that have been left or in neglectful homes to be saved. More people should adopt or donate to no kill shelters and POPP organizations. Our furry friends have feelings and a voice they just cant talk to you. Things like the Pooch and Pal 5K gives a voice and spread the word of pet overpopulation that needs to be heard. To donate or adopt from POPP click here. If you dont have the ability to pay for a procedure there are ways to have it done for free or even on a payment program your way. More information and another place to donate in this video.

1 comment:

  1. The amount of animals that don't get adopted is a huge amount. The great thing about organization like Pet Over Population is that they provide a home for animals that are neglected by their pasted owners or the animals didn't have family to start with. Though it saddens me that the ratio for animal shelter to stray animals is incredibly small. Then you have to factor in that some of these shelters aren't no-kill. This leads to overcrowding and also euthanizing the animals instead. If more people learned to adopt rescue animals, then the population of animals who need to go to shelter would decrease.
