Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Create the Life You Wan't to Live

Change Your Life 

As a kid you dream of your perfect life, maybe its money or fame, possibly just having your dream job. Then growing up gets in the way and we throw away all those dreams and just get by with a job we don't like and a life we don't want to wake up to. Huffington Post writes "1 in 3 Americans are not happy with there life"(Gregoire) I myself am guilty of not being happy just like everyone is. Why does everyone do this? Jack Canfield writes that "the real truth is that there is only one person responsible for the quality of the life you live. That person is you"(Canfield). This is true, only you can change your life and create what you want. You are responsible for choosing the job you hate or going and getting a job you want to wake up and go to every day. You are responsible for the people in your life choose who you want. People create excuse to why they have to stay in a job or a relationship or even a place they live. Just start small look at what you have in your life that you like. Maybe you have an amazing family, create your life around that. If you want to travel go on vacations with your family. There are ways to get your ideal life and think of reality. One step he write about  is to believe it is possible to achieve what you want. If you don't actually believe you can do something then it won't happen. He writes how scientist are "learning that instead we respond to what the brain, based on previous experience, expects to happen next. In fact, the mind is such a powerful instrument, it can deliver literally everything you want. But you have to believe that what you want is possible"(Canfield). We base our new experiences that already happened. Every opportunity is new and with different people so the outcome couldn't possibly be the same. Don't keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome. If you change your thinking you can change your life. If you would like to learn and implement some Canfeild steps click here. 



  1. I agree that life is too short and we shouldn't spend most of it miserable. I wonder if this has always been a problem in our culture or if this is something that has just started in the recent generations.

  2. One of my biggest fears is that I will look back at my life and have many regrets. And to be stuck in an endless cycle of "what ifs". I think that if you put your mind to something, you can do it. If you are truly dedicated to a certain job, traveling to a certain place, or being a certain kind of person, then you can achieve that no matter how long or how hard it may be. In the end, it won't matter the opposition you faced; you'll just be happy knowing that you accomplished what you set out to do.

  3. This is cool cause I've been doing a lot of reflecting lately with the end of the school year coming up and I don't have many regrets but i do agree that we will all look back and notice that something isn't right and that we should make a change our society is so comfortable with where we are that we are now afraid of change. WE need more than one person to stand together to begin to see change and once someone sees change within the public the people will soon change after

  4. I've never been the type of person that has been interested in a job where I sit in an office all day, doing the same things day after day, no matter how much it pays. Society has gotten so caught up in the money aspect of everything that we forget that our happiness and quality of life should come first. My dream is to have a job where I can travel the world and help people at the same time. Although it doesn't pay very much, I'm okay with that because I will be doing something I love, daily. I will be doing something that will make me happy when I wake up and look forward to the day ahead of me instead of wishing it over already. Although money is nice, it's not everything in life. Being truly happy and content with your life is what's really important.

  5. I definitely agree with what you are saying. We should and are intended to live the lives we want to on a daily basis. I think that there are a lot of people who are scared to live the life they want because they worry about being able to afford it and what they would do and there are also people who take risks and go out into the world knowing exactly what they want out of life. Now a days though, even people who are graduating college are having a hard time finding their dream job right out of the gate and many of them end of settling just to get by. What happens then is people feel stuck and they feel like if they leave their job that they won't find another one and will be failing themselves. It seems like now a days, people are living their lives based on how much money they make, what their house looks like, or what kind of car they drive instead of going on adventures and seeing the world. A lot of people have an exact plan of what they want their lives to look like and most of the time, things don't go how anyone plans it. But I think if people went off the path a little and changed jobs or found a new hobby that they can be happier than they were when they were making money at a job they hated.
